For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
Richard Feynman
All seminars
for a complete list check out Talks
- 8-21 March, Decisions Games and Evolution program at the ICTS, Bangalore, India
Public talks in German
- 2022, Public Lecture at the MPI:
Die Macht der Propaganda - Die Bedeutung von Geschichten für kollektives Handeln
- 2018, Max Planck Day:
Max Planck in Plön: Kleine Stadt Große Auswirkung
- 2017, Public Lecture:
Evolutionäre Spieltheorie
2022: Epistimones - “Chaitanya Gokhale: Theoretical eco-evolutionary dynamics ”
2021: Max Planck Society Youtube Channel - “Gene Drive – ein Turbo für Gene | Wissen Was mit @MrWissen2go ”
2020: on “Forschungsquartett | Chancen und Risiken der Genschere”
Würzburg - Structured Program
2023 onwards
- Several seminars and block courses in Bachelors and Masters modules within the faculty of Biology. Please check WueCampus for more details or feel free to contact me.
- Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics
- Special Bioinformatics
- Advanced Bioinformatics
- Methods in Life Science
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Biological Sciences
- Tour through Theoretical Studies: from biology to culture
- 2023 - Interdisciplinary seminars with the Faculty of Psychology.
- Lecture series of Prof. Arne Traulsen (University of Lübeck)
2016 - 2018 - 2019
- Bachelors course lecture series of Prof. Hinrich Schulenburg (Christian Albrechts University, Kiel)
Massey University - Structured Program
- Origin of Genetic variation I
- Origin of Genetic variation II
- Co-evolution
- Cooperation and Conflict
- Evolutionary Game Theory
Organized workshops
Please check the Visitor programme initiated at the CCTB.
2022: The Future of Games in Biology with John McNamara and Olof Leimar
2021: Theory in Spring series - Meike Wittmann, Anne Kandler, Helen Alexander
2021: Darwinian Demons | Eco-evolutionary dynamics and Information theory, co-organised with Minus van Baalen(postponed to 2022)
2018: eSMB symposium - Eco-evolutionary dynamics across scales of organisation, co-organised with Meike Wittmann
2018: Year of Mathematical Biology - Speakers: Hanna Kokko, Nick Barton, Michael Doebeli, Michael Lynch, Alison Etheridge and Pleuni Pennings
- 2017: Bionomics | The Biology and Economics of Mutualisms, co-organised with Jorge Peña.